Performance Guru Leadership

Learn more about developing delegation, feedback and coaching skills in your people can enhance their leadership performance.

Unlocking Potential & Empowering Success 

The role of a Performance Guru revolves around leadership skills that are designed to empower others. Without the skills of this role, you might find your leaders are overwhelmed and under-effective by taking on too much. They might struggle to provide constructive feedback to their teams and set clear goals. 

Through nurturing skills in effective delegation and feedback, your leaders can learn to support their people to achieve excellent results. Employing coaching skills and setting development goals are key tools for this role. It helps them to foster engagement and enable others to reach their full potential.  

Committed to the growth and development of their team, they are invested in understanding productivity and the factors that impact it. By ensuring that each member has the resources they need to work at their peak level, performance leadership elevates success with continuous improvement and accountability.  

What does a Performance Guru look like in a real world setting? 

Delegation For Increased Performance

Efficient task delegation is a skill in itself. When leaders take on too much, their role becomes defective. With no time, less attention to detail and little patience, relationships can quickly become toxic. By recognising when a task can and should be delegated, leaders maintain an even balance in their own workload. 

It might be overlooked, but by understanding when and how to delegate, leaders can enhance the productivity of their team and free up their own resources to perform better. Research shows that leaders are implicit in the division of labour. By setting clear pathways for all, can facilitate coordination and resolve misalignment1

Understanding who to delegate to is crucial in performance leadership. Effective delegation is only so when the right person for the job is called upon, avoiding under-utilised talent. Picking someone with the right skills for the job not only increases productivity, but improves the outcome of the task and contributes to the overall achievements of the team. 

Employee Feedback

Providing 360 degree feedback is a core characteristic of this leadership style, and a vital element of performance management. Assessing the capability of each individual with a comprehensive lens provides this leader with a clear vision of the strengths and development gaps of their people.  

This can be invaluable in that it allows leaders to get a deep understanding of their talent and how best to utilise each individual’s skills to improve the overall achievement. Providing impactful employee feedback can challenge a leader’s communication and soft skills. Using Alchemist’s Leadership Enablement Framework, skills are highlighted, tested and developed. It’s essential to have a degree of mastery in these areas to deliver analysis results in a clear and concise manner, while keeping employees motivated to reach for higher success.  

Coach Leadership

The Performance Guru resonates with coach leadership. As with any team coach, this role centres around empowering individual members to perform at their best. These leaders also take overall accountability for the success of the function.   

Developing the skills to effectively coach a team is key for this role. Being able to encourage people to own the outcomes of their work boosts accountability. When people are accountable for their work, they are motivated to achieve bigger and better things.  

Furthermore, by coaching individuals to overcome their learning gaps that are uncovered with effective feedback, this leader can bring them in to alignment with the long term development of the organisation, ensuring a sustainable strategy for success.  

Development Goals

Working closely with each individual, a performance leader will co-author clear development goals. By paving the way for continuous improvement for each person, this leader is future proofing for success. They are informed by feedback and able to shape their team for success in its current state. It also means they are able to look ahead to develop key players for the future.  

Generating professional goals that are influenced by the gaps identified at analysis stages, this leader enhances productivity by analysing and strategizing. Setting professional goals that address the findings of their observation, they show support by providing all the necessary resources for an individual to meet these objectives and perform their role at an optimum level.  

In conclusion, the Performance Guru is a people-focused leader who is invested the continuous improvement of their team. They facilitate learning and development with effective feedback, coach leadership tactics and clear goal setting. Strategically implementing these characteristics in their leader style allows them to empower each individual to strive for success. In doing so, they guarantee high performance for today’s team and begin groundwork for the successes of the future, too.  

Boost Performance Guru Skills In Your Leaders

Your leaders need diverse skills to manage people in the modern workplace. If you can see areas where effective feedback, coach leadership and delegation skills are missing in your organisation, why not explore a leadership learning journey with Alchemist? With a personalised blend of modules that are relevant to your workforce, we can work together to build strong leaders who stand as pillars for success in your business.  

1Cooper et al, 2014; Bolton et al, 2011 

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