Blended Learning: What Is It And Why Does It Matter?

You might have heard the term blended learning, but what does it really mean?

In L&D, it is the process of using various online and offline tools to run a training programme. It alchemises elements of digital platforms and experiences with more traditional methods to create a journey that learners want to participate in.

What is the aim of blended learning?

The aim of blended learning is to deliver a meaningful experience that resonates with participants. It reaches them both in-person and virtually, with messaging that feels relevant and important to them.

Only engaging in traditional, lecture-style sessions can feel pretty stagnant, particularly in a digital age. Meanwhile, a solely digital approach can deprive your team of key social elements associated with an L&D programme.

Blending both approaches allows for a harmonious programme. It leverages tech in the right way to give people engaging training while still leaning in to human connection.

What is a blended learning strategy?

A blended strategy will look different for every business. Essentially, it’s how you blend the digital and offline world for your learners so that you both get the best out of your L&D strategy.

The combination you use will depend on the topics you want to cover, your company culture and your people. For example, a programme around soft skills in leadership may be better served by more face-to-face time. This way, participants can see the real human impact of what they learn. Meanwhile, a sales programme that focuses on negotiation skills may benefit from a digital simulation where your team can put their skills to the test.

What are the benefits of blended learning?

The benefits of this approach are far-reaching. Learning technology is advancing every day, with brand new technologies, apps and platforms designed to transform your L&D experience. In the offline world, the most enriching part of training remains the connection and community that it creates.

Here are 6 benefits of a blended approach:

  1. Flexibility: with digital support, your learners can take better accountability for their training and fit it around their work and lifestyle. This boosts participant engagement.
  2. Enriched Experiences: learners are getting an all-round enriched experience. Not only do they benefit from being in a cohort with their peers, but also have better access to resources and a more exciting environment.  
  3. Increased Reach: a solely offline approach can be challenging both logistically and in terms of budget. With the right digital tools, you can access people around the world in an instant.
  4. Personalisation: using a balance of virtual and in-person elements, you can make programmes that are more personal for learners. This improves their engagement. For example, a customisable app can allow people to tailor their own experience.
  5. Building Community: through apps, virtual and in-person sessions, a learning community is created. This is a crucial part of any programme, evident in participant feedback.
  6. Relevant Content: providing learners with relevant content is key to effective training. When a topic isn’t relevant or it’s delivered in a way that doesn’t resonate with them, they will be unlikely to take much on board. This can be supported by technology.

Alchemist’s Blended Approach:

We implement a blended approach to learning. We believe in alchemising different methods to deliver a robust, engaging and successful programme that your people will not only learn from, but crucially, they will enjoy.

Our methods span these three pillars, which can be combined to deliver the most impactful programme:


Incorporating digital tools, such as Alchemist 360 and our LXP, provides learners with an interactive experience. Using tools like this can enhance your programme, whatever the subject matter, and take your training to the next level.


Providing your people with an unforgettable experience will give your training more impact. Experiential methods open the door to practising key skills in a safe environment, meaning more hands-on experience for your team. Not only does this help with retention, but it’s much more fun!


Immersive activities are designed to be completely captivating. Created by a team of expert designers, writers and facilitators, your people will experience training like never before. With capabilities to deliver in-person or virtually, they are plunged into scenarios that test and develop skills in-the-moment.

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