Skills Development

Level up your performance with targeted sales skills development that will help your team overcome their real-world challenges.

The magic formula to your sales success is knowledge combined with fine-tuned skills. Your team need to pursue continuous professional development to maintain efficiency. Commerce landscapes are constantly evolving. Even pre-COVID there was a shift towards digitised buying, with inevitably more change to come. This age of virtual selling presents new challenges that require digital skills.

We can work with you to alchemise your existing methodologies with enhanced learning and deeply personalised tools, driving your business to the next level with our Sales Enablement framework.

Influencing Skills

Sales skills development could be the answer if your prospects aren’t being persuaded to spend their money with you. Ultimately, the power of persuasion is at the heart of every deal and requires a foundation of communication and interpersonal skills.

With Alchemist’s tailored blend of sales enablement learning, your people can develop key skills like communication, problem-solving and emotional intelligence to help them win more opportunities.


If your team struggle to negotiate effectively, you might see an increase in opportunities falling through. Nowadays, negotiations bridge both in-person and digital transactions. Sending your team on a traditional negotiation skills course could result in defunct methods that don’t apply to the modern sales world.

At Alchemist, we focus on cultivating a tailored skill set that enhances your team’s selling abilities across a multitude of platforms. This ensures that you constantly push towards success with effective negotiations.

Commercial Conversations

Unsuccessful interactions can be the result of poor communication and sales skills in your team. Navigating these conversations with clients, particularly in unearthing needs and leading negotiations, is a huge factor in securing a sale. 

Amplifying your existing methodology with targeted training enables your salespeople to create magic for customers, inspiring loyalty and boosting your profits.

Sales Through Service

The service your salespeople offer can make or break a successful negotiation. Clients operate in a global village. Not only do they have all the information about your product or service at their fingertips, they also have access to a free market. So why should they choose your business?

Clients are buying your products, but they are investing in the experience you give them. How you communicate with and accommodate prospective clients can impact their ultimate buying decision, so it’s imperative that your team have exceptional customer service skills to deliver consistent results.

Virtual Selling

It’s more important than ever to understand how your prospective clients experience the buying process. It’s estimated that customers are 80% of the way through their journey before they interact with you. With a plethora of information available online, if your digital communications aren’t adding value to their experience you might find you lose out to more digitally-savvy competitors. 

Without being able to build rapport and read body language, conventional tactics don’t necessarily translate to virtual selling. Without developing the critical digital expertise, you risk being left behind. Alchemist can help illuminate the path to successful virtual sales with development programs that are tailor-made for your people.

Growing Accounts

Account planning should form a key role in your growth strategy. Your team might be exceptional at lead generation, but how do they manage their key accounts? Do they successfully maintain and improve their relationships with account holders? If not, your business could be missing out on significant growth.

Nurturing existing accounts is a critical skill that our framework will tackle by upskilling your salespeople to have fulfilling and profitable conversations.


Potential clients now have the world at their fingertips. With a huge array of information available to them, it is essential that your organisation stands out in a crowded market.

Alchemist is here to help refine your prospecting approach, so you can captivate your target audience. Say goodbye to endless cold calls: attain more successful transactions and generate leads with a cohesive strategy. With a highly personalised plan, we implement precise training that will propel your profits.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the meaning of professional skills development?

Professional skills development refers to the process of continued learning in your career. This could be traditional learning through an educational institution, a one-off workshop or a certified course in your industry. This continuous learning helps you to grow and unlocks potential for career development.

Influence is powerful in sales as it can be the difference between winning and losing an opportunity. Being able to influence a client to buy, upselling to them or upscaling with their organisation all depends on the relationship you have. Your ability to influence them hangs on the rapport you have built.

Negotiation skills as a leader could include rapport building, communication, active listening and adaptability. These skills can be useful in many scenarios as a sales leader, for example in conflict resolution or setting and achieving organisational goals.

You can lead a sales conversation by:

  • Establishing a relationship
  • Being curious. Ask the right questions to uncover your client’s needs
  • Listening to what your client tells you
  • Confidently explaining how your solution will soothe their pain points
  • Painting a clear vision of what the value of your product or service is

Sales through service is the idea that providing outstanding service to your clients and prospects will achieve more wins – whether they are new opportunities or from cross-selling or account growth.

In a digital age, virtual selling is important to reach more people and boost productivity. In the advent of hybrid working, virtual selling became vital for businesses. Having the capacity to interact with a global market and deliver results from anywhere, virtual selling should be a key part of your sales strategy. By embracing new technologies, your team can engage with people internationally through tools like video conferencing.

Strategic account growth needs four basic things in order to succeed:

  • Assign account managers who can build strong relationships for a personalised experience
  • Research clients, understand their story, pain points, key stakeholders, trends in their industry and what they already buy from you
  • Recommend products or services that are truly relevant, based on your research
  • Keep in constant communication with the client

Prospecting is the process of identifying potential clients. You can use a core set of qualifying criteria to help identify if a prospect is right for you, for example: budget, decision-making ability, timing or their need for your product or service.

Contact Us

To revolutionise your sales function with the help of Alchemist’s Sales Enablement Framework, speak to one of our knowledgeable team today. Contact us to start the conversation about skills development for your organisation.

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