Embedding and Maintaining Culture

A solution for leaders to best model and uphold culture.

It has been said that when an individual enters a group, the group enters them. The culture of any organisation, although seemingly intangible, instructs those who are part of it on ‘how we do things around here’. It influences how, when and indeed what work gets done. Culture determines who fits in and is aligned with the business, and equally who doesn’t, and shapes the overall personality of the organisation.

Created by both the systems and processes a business uses, and the social dynamics between individuals and sub-groups, culture cannot be simply defined and acted out. During times of change in a business; for example, mergers, periods of growth and other strategic events, culture often becomes the focus of attention.


Online learning, gamification, app-based journeys, video content, webinars.


Virtual and in-person, task based, facilitated, practise with actors and coaches.


Fully playable case studies and stories, with set builds, actor-led storylines, and external assessment and feedback.

Two employees sit at a desk with their laptops.

Who Is It For

What Does An Alchemist Organisational Culture Look Like?

We believe a sustainable company culture is established through an aligned community of individuals. Generating a productive and forward-focused environment relies on the people that make up the collective. By cultivating a setting that not only supports, but actively encourages self-awareness, innovation and empowered individuality, organisations can embrace the unique value of each person.

With authentic, transparent communication, networks can become a space of positive encouragement, development and accountability.

Key Outcomes


Tools to best assess the needs of the organisation, team and individual.


Hands-on development activities.


Skills through practising and reflecting.


Simulated reality for transformational change.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Cultural Web And How Is It Used In This Solution Set?

The Cultural Web is a tool used to identify and expose cultural assumptions and dated practices within an organisation. It is used in this solution set as a basis for learning and workshops, to support the alignment of organisational elements with the overall business strategy.

The Embedding & Maintaining Culture Programme is designed for managers and leaders who want to model and uphold the culture of their organisation. Some workshops are designed for all levels to attend.

People will learn about the history and anecdotal evidence of their organisational values and beliefs, understand the rituals, routines, and regular behaviours that signal “what good looks like,” and gain clarity on how things are done in their organisation. They will also learn to challenge outdated practices and develop skills to support the six aspects of culture.

The key outcomes of this solution set include a felt understanding of the culture of the organisation, developing skills to support the six aspects of culture, clarity on “how things are done around here,” the ability to challenge outdated practices, and empowering all team members to tell the story of the culture and organisation both internally and externally.

This solution set is available in virtual, instructor-led, interactive facilitated group workshops, self-reflection and peer coaching, experiential actor-led coaching and scenarios in practice, emotional intelligence profiling and coaching, experiential group work, and offline and virtual group work.

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Speak to one of our team today to take the first steps in embedding a sustainable company culture in the DNA of your organisation.

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