It’s easy to get stuck doing what we know. Traditional education is ingrained in us from such a young age, it’s easy to forget that there are other ways of achieving excellent results. At Alchemist, we pride ourselves on finding the other way. But what does that mean in L&D?
Employee Engagement
It can be incredibly frustrating to implement an education programme that doesn’t get your talent fired up. Your learners make excuses not to attend and the ones that do are completely disengaged. This could be down to a whole host of reasons, but generally it’s down to the type of content that is used.
At Alchemist, we build blended learning experiences that engage, motivate and inspire your people to achieve sustainable objectives. With the help of expert actor-facilitators and our own team of designers and producers, we craft sessions that utilise technology, immersive simulations and disruptive techniques that really captivate the imagination. Whether it’s a real-world scenario with actors, designed to stress-test the skills of your team, or a virtual reality pathway that raises more awareness in your talent, innovations in L&D mean you can bin the slideshows and host training that your people want to engage with.
Learning Style
We’ve all had to sit through mandatory training that makes you want to fall asleep. Sat in a stuffy room while a monotonous voice talks through a 100-page slideshow, lecturing you about leadership or sales techniques. Or, hunched over your laptop for hours listening to a virtual sessions while you try not to let your phone distract you. These antiquated methods result in low interaction and participation rates, leaving your development strategy defunct and making your stakeholders sceptical about whether or not you need it in the first place.
Making your learning more impactful is what we do best. Using a blend that is specific to your organisational DNA, we will always find the other way to keep your participants engaged. With enhanced technological capabilities, we can help you host exciting sessions on a global scale, delivering impact to every corner of your business. Our gamification and leaderboard tools allow your events to become fun for your employees, encouraging them to interact with the resources you provide.
L&D Data
Old-school techniques often don’t provide you with the right data to demonstrate the impact of your training. They tend to monitor attendance and completion rates, or compliance with curriculum, as opposed to quantifiable outcomes that matter to your organisation. They often
lack any participant evaluation, particularly at an individual level, which can leave people feeling unsure and a bit lost.
We prefer to look at metrics that actually matter. Alchemist 360 is a comprehensive feedback platform that allows you and your learners understand where they are in their development journey. We also have coaching platforms that provide continuous feedback and targeted coaching in the areas it is needed. We can run an ROI analysis to help you deliver clear data to your stakeholders about the financial value of learning. All of our technology aims to provide easy-to-use data that allows you and your team to have a clear understanding of your participants’ progress, whether organisational objectives are achieved and the financial value of a programme.
Tailor-Made Programmes
Learning programmes can become overwhelming when there is too much on offer simultaneously. Not only this, but when these mass offerings are generic, and not specialised to your business, they can see really low engagement rates from your people. They are easy, with the ability to be rolled-out en masse, but with no involvement from leadership they are often irrelevant.
The discovery work that we put in to get a deep understanding of your organisation is what allows us to provide exceptional development opportunities. By asking questions with curiosity and gathering feedback at the initial stages, we can alchemise a truly bespoke programme that feels inclusive to people at all levels and addresses the real-life challenges that your business faces. This personalised approach encourages higher participation and leads to dramatically improved outcomes.
Flexibility and Accessibility
Finally, traditional education curriculums are often very rigid. Only available in the moment, either virtually or face-to-face, they leave no room for your people’s busy schedules, personal lives or learning styles. For example, a participant with ADHD might find it really challenging to sit in a seminar for hours on end with few to no breaks and lecture-style delivery.
By making a programme that is flexible and accessible, each employee can engage with it in the best way for them. This eliminates issues like not having enough time to attend or not being able to engage with the style of delivery. Making sessions available virtually and hosting some modules on an app, it allows your teams to access content as and when it is convenient for them. By alleviating this pressure, and providing captivating content and further resources at the tap of a button, your people can navigate a development journey at their own pace while still achieving your desired outcomes.
Overall, it’s evident that traditional education-style training is far less engaging, and therefore less effective, than a more modern learning programme. Leveraging technology, games, simulations and virtual reality can transform the way your people experience training. In doing
so, you make it a more engaging journey that energises them and secures long-term results for your business, rather than leaving behind a disengaged and bored workforce.